Formatting Guidelines
Formatting Guidelines
1. Manuscripts must be double-spaced with a margin of 3cm each side and typed in twelve-point font. The title page should include the author’s current institutional affiliation and a short biography of no more than 100 words, an abstract of about 150 words and 3-4 keywords that are descriptive of the articles content.
2. All titles and headings should be short and chosen for clarity and interest. Primary text headings should be aligned left with double line spacing above and below, and typed entirely in capitals. Secondary headings should be aligned left with a single spacing above and below, and typed in initial capitals only. Third-level headings should be aligned left, typed all in caps.
3. Quotations must correspond exactly with the original in terms of wording, spelling, and punctuation. Authors should use quotation marks for short quotations within the text; longer quotations or extracts should be indented from the left margin with quotation marks. Authors should indicate any changes, including emphases added. Changes and additions to quotations should be identified by bracketing.
4. JIOS follows the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) for citations. Citations should be included using Harvard referencing.
5. Notes should be double-spaced and be included in endnotes after the main text with numbers in superscript clearly marking the location in the text.
6. References should be double-spaced and begin on a new page following the manuscript text. JIOS follows a modified version of the American Psychological Association (APA) for references. Works should be listed alphabetically by author. References should be formatted as follows:
Books: author(s) (year): title, place of publication, publisher.
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros (1999): Unvanquished: A U.S.-U.N., Saga. London: Tauris.
Newman, Edward and Oliver P. Richmond (2001): The United Nations and Human Security, Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave.
Journal articles: author(s) (year): "title" journal name, volume (issue): inclusive pages.
Goodrich, Leland M. (1962): "The Political Role of the Secretary-General" International Organization 16 (4): 531-50.
Works in edited volumes: author(s) (year): "chapter title", volume editor(s), volume title, place of publication, publisher.
Rich, Roland (2004): "Crafting Security Council mandates", in Edward Newman and Roland Rich (eds.): The UN Role in Promoting Democracy. Between Ideals and Reality, Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Organizational documents: institutional author(s) (date): title, term and session (if applicable), document number.
United Nations (21 August 2000): Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations [Brahimi Report], UN doc. A/55/305-S/2000/809.
World Wide Web sources: author(s) or institutional author(s) (date of publication or last revision): title of document, title of website (if applicable), web address, date of access.
Prunier, Gérard (1997): "Somaliland, a forgotten country", Le Monde Diplomatique (English edition online), October, available at, accessed 2 March 2001.
7. Page proofs will be supplied to the first author of the article, but only errors in typesetting may be corrected at this stage. Proofs must be corrected and returned within seven (7) days of receipt.
8. Copyright resides with the United Nations Studies Association, Berlin, Germany.
Please note that we only accept submissions in accordance with these formatting guidelines. In particular, we do not accept manuscripts with footnotes or endnotes that include the references. References need to be listed at the end of the manuscript exactly as described above.